Sutton Bank

Sutton Bank – XSUT

  • Near Kilburn, Yorkshire
  • Home of Yorkshire Gliding Club
  • Two grass runways 02/20 and 06/24

Sutton Bank is on the top of an escarpment. The land falls away dramatically to the West and South. On the south facing slope, a White Horse is carved. Aerial tow aircraft for the gliders is the major power activity but the occasional powered light aircraft visit the airfield.


Scenery Creation Notes: The clubhouse is so unusual I could not construct it from combinations of generic objects so in this case I have broken my usual pattern and have constructed it from scratch using Instant Object Maker from FlighSimTools and using stills from a video supplied by Tony Bennett who went up to Sutton Bank to especially film it for me. Thanks Tony. In the correct place as set by Google Earth I found the White Horse sat horizontally on the southern end of the airfield so I have deliberately shifted it a fraction northwards to get the Horse onto the south facing slope of the escarpment.

Note: This is designed to fit FSX generic scenery and will probably not match photo-realistic scenery.

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